Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Brennan's Baby Appointments for Sawyer

These are the times that have already been registered for time to hold Sawyer.

Friday July 17, 2009
Debbie Goodwin 2:00 P.M.
David Goodwin 3:00 P.M.

If you would like a time to hold the baby please post your time in comments and put your name in it too. If your computer will not let you post it in comments please just send it to (you can also ask for any day you would like).

Jama Mayo gets any time she would like because she has not seen Sawyer yet!!!

Love, Brennan


Unknown said...

Hey Angel Girl,
I can't wait to hold you and Sawyer.
I miss ya'll so much.
Tell Nana not to get all my sugar from either one of ya'll.
I love you a bushel and a peck.

brennanrmoore said...

i remember that day just like it was yesterday
sawyer is the best little sis' in the whole world!!!!