Sunday, December 6, 2009

December already!!!

I cannot believe it is December already. This is my MOST favorite time of year. I love all the lights, the trees, the decorations, the food, the baking...I love it all!!! I do not like crowds, but I love the crowded stores where people act as if the world will come to an end if they do not have a specific doll by today (3 weeks before Christmas). Sadly, most people get caught up in what they need to do at Christmas that the "true" meaning of Christmas is forgotten. I definitely include myself in this. I find myself going through a day with a checklist and forgetting WHO my checklist is about. Christmas is not about the lights, the food :( and the gifts. Christmas IS about celebrating the birth of our Savior! Anyway, I didn't mean to get sidetracked, but I love this time of year.

Our family is doing great! Sawyer is growing and changing. She is 5 months old TODAY and is a wiggler (do I say that a lot??). Her latest trick is pushing up on all fours and rock back and forth. She desperately wants to move. She had a doctors appt a few weeks ago and he commented on her need to move and that she will probably walk early. I say all this NOT to brag, I say this because I am scared!!! We are not ready for her to be that mobile. Sawyer's little personality continues to make us laugh.

She still does not love food. She might take a few bites and then gets sidetracked. This is usually how we end up.

Brennan had her violin Christmas recital yesterday and played beautifully!!! She played Allegro and did not miss a note. She picked out her recital outfit and was thrilled when the store had a matching dress for Sawyer.

Have a very blessed Christmas season!!!!

1 comment:

Paula, With all my heart said...

They look so cute, like the matching outfits Brennan.