Okay everyone out there trying to win the coveted title of "mother of the year". Sorry, I beat you to it. Today was Sawyer's dedication at our church. I had everything prepared and ready to go. Our family was coordinated and our clothes were pressed. Everything was perfect this morning. Except...I did not take one single picture!!! And b/c of that, I have awarded myself mother of the year. It seemed like the morning flew by and before I realized it, the day was over. My friend Ann is our preschool director and thankfully she has someone who takes pictures for families. So, in a couple of weeks I will have a few pictures of us to post. She did also inform me that they will send me a video of the service. YIPPEE!! Because my video camera was hanging out with my camera IN MY BAG!
Sawyer slept through the dedication service. Everything was perfect. It was great to be standing on that stage with the most wonderful nine year old God could have ever blessed us with and the most wonderful baby we thought we would never have. At our dedication services we choose life verses. As I said before, we had chosen Sawyer's life verse as Jeremiah 29:11. The entire scripture is over to the right. My favorite part of that verse is "plans to give you a hope and a future". How applicable to her life and ours. God truly had a plan to give Sawyer a hope and a future. Thankfully, He is letting us be a part of it. I can't wait to see His plan for her unfold. Everyday we get a new glimpse into her personality and it is precious!
In lieu of the beautiful dedication pictures you should be viewing, I will post other fun stuff.
Brennan made some type of goo at school similar to silly putty and decided to put scars on her face (I don't know either???)
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