Sawyer Addison Moore was born July 6, 2009 at 3:05 pm. She weighed 7 lbs 1 oz and was 19" long. She is TINY!!! (well compared to Brennan as a newborn baby).
Michael and I were able to see her in the hospital the next day. At the time it was very surreal and still is. It seemed like the day would never come and then it did! Tuesday was my emotional day. There were a lot of things still in question regarding the birth mother; she hit a very rough spot and unfortunately we were at the hospital and full aware of how she was wavering. The whole day Michael kept reminding me that it was completely out of our hands so we just needed to be ready to accept whatever God had planned for us. We went to the hospital in the middle of the night Tuesday night just to spend time with Sawyer. The hospital we were at has a separate room set up just for adoptive parents, very cool!! It was hysterical, we were in there with her maybe 3 minutes and I went to change her diaper and well....let's just say we were christened into baby hood again. We both had forgotten a lot of small details, like wait until they are completely done using the bathroom before you change a diaper. Needless to say, she does not have ANY bathroom issues!
The next day Wednesday we swam with Brennan at the pool and just hung out until after lunch. The birth mother could not sign until 3:00; so we were told to come around 3:15. Wednesday Michael and I did a complete flip-flop emotionally, he will LOVE it that I am saying this. He was a complete bundle of nerves the entire day and I must say I was cool as a cucumber. I would love to say it was complete faith, but probably more like sleep deprivation. But, thankfully I was there to remind him that "it is out of our hands" without missing a beat, remember the day before he was that way with me. We were in the waiting room at the hospital for almost 2 hours when our 2 coordinators walked through the big doors and .......nothing. They didn't look at us or make eye contact. Not kidding, 5 minutes and nothing! Both, our hearts dropped. And I am thinking, okay Lord you have us on this path but for this! I know we learn through both the good and the bad in life, but I was praying Lord please don't use this as a bad time we must learn from. Then what seemed like an eternity, really 5 minutes, our social worker turned around and gave us a thumbs up!!!!! Time flew after that and an hour later we were in the car leaving with our new baby girl.
Brennan has been on cloud nine. She counts the minutes other people can hold her. So, if you are planning on holding her before Sawyer turns one, you might want to get an appointment with Brennan first!
So much more to say, but that will have to wait for another day. This has been the most AMAZING journey we have ever been on as a family. God has revealed Himself to us in so many ways and we are so thankful for that!!! Please, please, please continue to pray for the birth mother. We will forever have a special place in our hearts for her. Unfortunately, we are in the best place right now and she is in the worst. She does have a wonderful support system around her. We also asked her a week ago what her favorite verse was. We were kind of thinking if it fit, it could be Sawyer's life verse. Her favorite is Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future". We are honored to use the same verse she chose. How applicable to her and Sawyer's life.
Time to end this extremely long post, sorry our internet has been down for 3 days and it seemed like an eternity. Brennan just came to tell me that Sawyer is awake and smiling, so I have to go see this!
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