Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sawyer is 6 months old!

Sawyer turned 6 months old a few weeks ago!!!!!

She is into everything. We are big on celebrating milestones around big days. So 2 days before she turned 6 months she started crawling everywhere and 1 day before she started pulling up to a stand. My, my, we are in trouble! She still does not sit on her rump like a normal baby. Oh no, we do things different in our family. Sawyer has always sat up on her knees and bounced up and down (kind of like Tigger). When I try to put her down on her rear, she leans forward and gets up on her knees. Too cute!!!!!

Sawyer also had her first busted lip this week. It swelled up pretty quick. As I am typing this...she fell again and her lip is bleeding (she is okay). She is so busy! The girl has no fear. She will stand up and let go of whatever she is holding onto. Which is why the activity table in the picture above DOES NOT have legs on it.

Happy 6 month Birthday sweet baby girl!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Grace or lack there of

On Saturday Brennan had a basketball game at our church. About five minutes before the game Brennan and her friends were playing. They were running around and Brennan tripped. For the whole game she told us her foot was hurting and she couldn't play. So Michael let her sit on the bench with ice (he's the coach) and watch.

On Monday it was still sore so we went to the doctor to get it checked out. We were there about thirty minutes and the doctor came in and said "well it's broke!". She has a broken bone in the top of her foot. We were all shocked!!! Isn't it beautiful!!!

Brennan's favorite color is orange, NOT Tennessee orange as the doctor said. Just plain orange. We had to write her name on the bottom. You know in Toy Story, Andy wrote his name on the bottom of all his toys in case they were lost. Just in case we lose Brennan, her name is on the bottom of her foot.