We finally got our stockings hung this past week. We have had our trees/decorations up for a few weeks. But, Sawyer's stocking was still not monogrammed and she just couldn't be up there without a name. I bought new stockings about 5 years ago. They aren't necessarily my taste now, but Brennan loves them and so they stay. When I originally found them, I bought 3; well, because there were only 3 of us. The following year I was in TJ Maxx and found this stocking that matched ours and I quickly snatched it up!
I knew one day we would have another name to put on it. Michael of course thought I was crazy. He just didn't get it. Even then, I knew there was a child meant to join our family. So, after 4 years I pulled the last stocking out of the closet and after adding Sawyer's name, it takes its rightful place on our mantle.
And we have 4 beautifully hung stockings. I waited so long to hang this last one. If it weren't so tacky to do so, I would keep them all hung year round! I tell this story now, because had I said all this 4 years ago you all would have thought I was crazy. Just in case you are wondering, I have not purchased any more stockings.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas!!!