Okay I know I keep saying Sawyer is a wiggler. Her doctor even commented on her need to always move at her last appointment. Well, the funniest thing happened the end of September (when she was 2 1/2 months old). I laid her on her play mat in the living room. I went in the kitchen to wash a couple of bottles. After a few minutes she started crying. Not loud crying, just the whining crying like "come talk to me". I went back in the living room and here is what I found.

She, in a period of a few minutes, had scooted herself off the mat and was wiggling across the hardwoods. She did find a flip-flop along the way and proceeded to swing it over her head. We are in trouble when this girl starts really moving. She is ALWAYS wiggling.
Well, a few days after the wiggling incidences began Sawyer turned three months old. And to celebrate her birthday she began rolling both directions within a week. We knew the rolling was coming. When it actually happened Brennan and I were sitting on the living room floor with her. Brennan and I were consumed with trying on these cute new boots Brennan got. We turned around to see this sweet face staring back at us. Sadly, we missed the first roll!

This girl loves to move!!! She also loves to sit with Michael and watch football. She also LOVES her sister. Every day when we pick Brennan up at school, Sawyer can be in the middle of a whine and the second she sees Brennan's face she smiles the sweetest little toothless grin at her. Then they talk to each other the whole way home. We have really started reading more books to Sawyer and she loves to have Brennan read to her. It is so sweet to watch Sawyer intently studying Brennan's face as she reads to her. She hangs on to every word.

Thanks for checking in on us!