The word
grace has always perplexed me. There are so many different sides to it. God extends grace to us (thank you God). You see, we all sin. But He doesn't have a master list of everything we have done wrong. When He forgives, He forgives and the slate is wiped clean. Only He can do this for you.
The day before we got the call saying Sawyer had been born, our Sunday School lesson was on grace. Not only God's grace, but do we extend that same grace to other people? Do we truly forgive them? It is hard to forget because things are so ingrained in our minds, but do we truly forgive? I have SO been guilty of saying I forgive someone, but when I see them the first thing I think of is whatever is was that happened. Sadly, a lot of people get "tagged" with their sin. They are only remembered by what they have done wrong. It scares me to think I am looked at for what I have done wrong...that is a very long list of wrongs to choose from.
The first time we saw Sawyer was on Tuesday morning. Michael and I were in the room with the birth mother and her mother. One of the first things the birth mother said was that she was so overwhelmed with God's grace. She went on to elaborate on how He had shown Himself to her and she had been thinking about that. How cool?! Michael told her that we had been talking the past few days about that. I pray that others around her extend grace to her. She and her family have remained in the same church they were in and I pray she is not forever tagged as the woman who gave up her baby. She did make unwise choices to lead her down this path. But, does that mean she should forever be reminded of it?? She is no different from me. I have made so many mistakes in my life and had to beg for forgiveness. (Her mistake was not choosing adoption, she had made a few "unwise" choices to put herself in this position). Again, both our slates are wiped clean...only by the GRACE of God. Thank you God!!!